
Alexcia Bennett 


     This semester I worked on assignments from phase one through phase three so far.Phrase one we wrote our own rhetorical argument based on the topics that were spoken about and the poems readings we did. For phrase two  we worked our self assessment narrative about ourselves.We also practice public speaking during phrase one. We practice by talking about the narrative we wrote. For phrase 3 we worked on a 6-page research paper. I like all phrases and how I was able to express myself and my thoughts through my writing.

                       Phrase one 

                   For phrase I the questionnaire assignment which was my first assignment assigned by my teacher.The next one was a rhetorical strategy assignment .Then was my first draft , and after that a brainstorming assignment based on my draft.lastly there was a final draft following a final assignment. I enjoyed the questionnaire because it was easy and I like how you ask us questions in order to get to know us better and make us feel comfortable in the classroom. I like the rhetorical strategy assignment Because it was practiced to get familiar and understand radical arguments/their strategies better. I honestly feel like this assignment was very helpful. I also like how you gave us. I also like how you gave us a brainstorming activity, but I feel like it would’ve been better if you gave that to us before our first draft to serve our first draft because it makes sense to brainstorming ideas then do a draft . The brainstorming activites is very helpful because we are able to jot down ideas because sometimes we get lost and need a helpful way to organize what we’re going to put into drafts. 

                               Phase 2

                             For  phase 2 we worked on creating a narrative about ourselves. We had brainstorming activities, and, of course, drafts. I enjoyed and liked phase 2 because it did help me explore out of my comfort zone a little bit. I have spoken in front of a class, but that was my first time doing it in college. I also Can be a little shy, so I’m glad a part of the activity was to  publicly speak about ourselves in front of our classmates . I am also very reserved so being able to go up there and speak about a part of my life and share it with not only you, but the rest of my classmates was good for me to get in my cover zone and I actually really enjoyed it. I liked how we are able to express how we felt about different things that impacted our lives. What are it’s good and bad and I was good., happy to hear others story especially the ones that I could relate to and even after that I did build a bond with all my classmates because we were able to take that conversation we had in class and talk about it outside of class I also like how we were able to write our story and tell it to you while at the same time we  write our story and send  it to you while at the same time we were able to present another story in class .

                               Phrase 3

                 For phrase 3 I had to choose a topic involving the world to write about . For this assignment, I did an essay proposal, introduction, plus thesis, first draft and reflection notes. I like how during this phrase we were able to go down to the library as a class and get  visual instructions on how to start, search and gather all the information we need to complete this assignment. I also like how we were able to write about any topic surrounding the world that we want to talk about   whether the topic was based on racism, the environment, healthcare, etc. At first, I didn’t like the idea of six pages but I’m glad I had to write six pages because I was able to practice my writing skills and challenge myself to see how well I will be able to handle the pressure of completing an assignment, and I love challenges.I also like the idea of getting extra credit for doing more pages I feel like doing that help motivate a lot including me to finish my  assignment faster.  


         .   Overall I feel like all the assignments were very helpful. I enjoyed the group work activities where we were able to communicate with one another and ask questions and figure out things together. I feel like the group works. Help us develop better communication, skills, and bonds in phase 1 was a good way to introduce each other to one another and explore our thoughts and our feelings among literature.Phase two was good for developing speaking skills and 3 was good for writing skills. 

     During this course I was able to learn how analyze different rhetorical argument Strategies and understand the difference between logos,ethos and pathos .I was able to also be  better at discuss different topics /communicating my concerns and my classmates .I also was able to develop better speech dependent and losing up my fear of public speak and communication when sharing narrative with my classmates.I did also become better at articulating my writing and grammar .

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